
Auditum kick-off meeting

Téthys took part in Auditum's kick-off meeting on the 11th and 12th of January in Vigo in Spain.

Auditum is an Erasmus+ capacity building project coordinated by the University of Vigo. The project will be carried out over the course of 3 years. Its purpose is to support Moroccan universities in setting up, or strengthening, internal control and audit services by sharing good practices from European universities.

TETHYS annual conference and governing board in Cyprus, March 2017

The University of Nicosia, Cyprus, hosted on March, the 9th, 2017, the annual Conference and the governing board of TÉTHYS Euro-Mediterranean universities Consortium.

This meeting gathered 35 University Presidents, Vice-Presidents and officials coming from 14 different countries: Algeria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Morocco and Spain.

EuNIT Project - Cooperation training sessions

After the Kick Off Meeting held in Marseille on January 2017 and the observation period carried out in the different partner universities in February, the EuNIT project reached a new milestone : the first cooperation training sessions have been held in April and May 2017.

The 24 selected trainers from Jordan, Lebanese and Libyan universities have participated in the training delivered by University of Barcelona, Nice and Santiago de Compostella.


La France accueille la Conférence des Parties de la Convention cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques à Paris, du 30 novembre au 11 décembre 2015 (COP21/CMP11).


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