
TETHYS student's declaration

Téthys breaks new ground this year with the organization of the Téthys Student General Assembly.

Since November 2021, 60 students from all over the Mediterranean have been working in groups to present their concrete university cooperation projects at the Forum des mondes méditerrannéens. A summary of their work can be found in the TETHYS student's declaration attached here.

General Assembly TETHYS 2024: Feedback on the Euro-Mediterranean universities gathering

This year's General Assembly was organized at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and attended by around one hundred representatives from thirty universities and eight Mediterranean countries (Algeria, France, Italy, Lebanon, North Macedonia, Morocco, Spain, and Tunisia). At the same time, the network organized a doctoral workshop that brought together over 40 doctoral students from various consortium member universities. They worked together on the following topic: “What can universities in the Mediterranean do about Climate Change?”


We are pleased to announce that the next General Assembly of the TETHYS Consortium will take place at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Cantoblanco campus, Madrid, Spain from 22 to 23 May 2024:
Wednesday 22 May 2024: The General Assembly will begin at 2pm with an opening address by :
- Ms Amaya Mendikoetxea, President of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid,
- Mr Slim Khalbous, Rector of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie,
- Jean-François Marchi, Vice-President of Aix-Marseille University.


Madrid, Plaza Mayor

We are delighted to inform you that the next General Assembly of the network TETHYS will take place at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Cantoblancocampus, Madrid, Spain

On Wednesday May 22, 2024, the General Assembly will be held at 2 p.m.and the TETHYS Dinner at 8 p.m.

On Thursday, May 23,2024 the different TETHYS workshops will be held until 4p.m.

We sincerely thank Mrs. Amaya Mendikoetxea, Rector of the Autonomous University of Madrid, for welcoming us in Madrid.

Succès pour la formation "Découvrir le programme Erasmus+ dans le cadre du réseau Téthys" à Casablanca

Co-organisée par le réseau Téthys, l’Université d’Aix-Marseille et l’Université Hassan II de Casablanca, la formation sur le montage des projets Erasmus+ a rencontré un franc succès le 5 juillet 2022 à l’UH2C.

AMU Webinar on "Incubation and promotion of social entrepreneurship"

On Monday September 20th from 10 to 12 am AMU has held a third transfer webinar on the topic "Incubating and promoting social entrepreneurship”.

This webinar was the occasion to present and discuss part of the activities carried out during the +Resilient Project that contributed to foster social entrepreneurship and social innovation incubators. Based on pilot actions and study visits, this webinar focused on sharing experiences and lessons learned from these activities.

Final conference of the Yabda project in Casablanca

The final conference of the Yabda project took place from 5 to 8 October 2021.

The results of the project were presented to all stakeholders. A first session on Tuesday brought together the Yabda jury which awarded the Yabda entrepreneurship prize to the QUINNOV MILK project.

During the second session on Wednesday, several prominent personalities intervened: President of the University of Casablanca, representatives of the ANNPEC, the Erasmus+ national office; then followed a conference on youth employability and a presentation of project holders.

Téthys Network : meeting on July 8th 2021

A virtual Tethys Network meeting wil take place on July 8th from 2:00 to 4:00 pm (Brussels time). This a half-day meeting will take place between the Euro-Mediterranean universities network Téthys, and various representatives of the European Commission.
The objective of this meeting would be to present the new European programming in this pivotal year, as far as Euro-Mediterranean university cooperation is concerned, as well as the general framework of the European policy 2021-2027.

+ RESILIENT webinar on Evaluation organised by AMU

As part of the +RESILIENT project, a webinar on Monitoring and evaluation methods for social innovation was held on January 15th.The webinar was dedicated to evaluation methods and organised by AMU.

Tethys conference: Internationalization of Tertiary Education in MENA in the COVID-19 Context

A virtual event "Internationalization of Tertiary Education in MENA in the COVID-19 Context" was organized on January 28th 2021 by the Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI), Qatar Foundation, in partnership with the Tethys Consortium of Euro-Mediterranean Universities, and with the participation of UNESCO.

Its aim was to explore the way forward for MENA, including internationalization in a post-COVID-19 world, issues of fragility  contexts, and adapting to the new normal.


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