Téthys Network : meeting on July 8th 2021
A virtual Tethys Network meeting wil take place on July 8th from 2:00 to 4:00 pm (Brussels time). This a half-day meeting will take place between the Euro-Mediterranean universities network Téthys, and various representatives of the European Commission.
The objective of this meeting would be to present the new European programming in this pivotal year, as far as Euro-Mediterranean university cooperation is concerned, as well as the general framework of the European policy 2021-2027.
Téthys is a network coordinated by Aix-Marseille University and created in 2000 with more than 70 universities across 19 countries. It aims at the construction of the Euro-Mediterranean Area of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
The participants of the meeting will be the members of the Tethys network within the main universities of the Maghreb, Mashreq and Southern European countries.
For more information about the network you may find below the event's program.