SATELIT : Academic Solutions for the Euro-Mediterranean Territory Leader of Innovation and Technology Transfer of Excellence

Saturday, 15 October, 2016 to Monday, 14 October, 2019

Project Presentation

Video of the project


To build the capacity of the partner universities in terms of innovation, technology transfert and research valorisation in order for them to become pilot universities in their countries


Beyond developing knowledge, the University has an important role to play in the economic development and employability of the students they have taught, in particular PhD students that produce scientific results for the University and who can be a source of innovation and generate jobs.

However, in several North African Universities, the lack of infrastructure dedicated to innovation and Technology Transfer or, when it exists, the need to consolidate its position in the Innovation chain ecosystem, is creating a fundamental problem in the world race for Innovation and University performance. This is particularly pressing as the needs of businesses in terms of support for innovation are developing.

In answer to this, the SATELIT project offers solutions locally (reinforcing skills and the exchange of good practices), nationally (the modernisation of national programmes) and on a Mediterranean scale (polarising Education and Innovation) by mobilising the driving forces.


P1 Aix-Marseille Université, AMU, France

P2 Université de Toulon, UTLN, France

P3 Université de Gênes, UNIGE, Italy

P4 Université de Turin, UNITO, Italy

P5 Université de Cadix, UCA, Spain

P6 Université de Murcie, UM, Spain

P7 Centre Etudes et Recherches sur Qualification, CEREQ, France

P8 Ministère Enseignement Sup-Rech, MESRS, Algeria

P9 Université de Béjaïa, UAMB, Algeria

P10 Université de Constantine 1, UFMC, Algeria

P11 Ministère Enseignement Sup-Rech, MESRSFC, Morocco

P12 Université de Fès, USMBA, Morocco

P13 Université de Rabat, UM5R, Morocco

P14 Ministère Enseignement Sup-Rech, MESRS, Tunisia

P15 Université de Sfax, Uss, Tunisia

P16 Université de Sousse, US, Tunisia

P17 Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, CSIC, Spain

P19 Chambre de Commerce, d’Industrie et de Services de la Région Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hociema, CCIS-TTA, Morocco

P20 Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Tunis, CCIT, Tunisia

P21 Conseil Régional PACA, CR PACA France

P22 Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, AUF, Belgium


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