+RESILIENT: Mediterranean Open REsouRcEs for Social Innovation of SociaLly ResponsIve ENTerprises

Thursday, 1 February, 2018 to Monday, 31 January, 2022

Philosophy and Objectives:

Today, the Mediterranean (MED) area has to deal with disruptive dynamics in the market, due to demographic change, technology and globalization. In addition, there are persistent difficulties of the economy and high unemployment rates in this area. This situation implies a call for innovative and socially responsive approaches, which could solve these issues. Therefore, the MED area has a common challenge; social and economic value of companies and clusters has to be enhanced. Especially when they operate in the social market and in key sectors, which can have positive impacts. Furthermore, in MED regions, new economic paradigms and skills are emerging and therefore opening new opportunities, such as sharing economy. The MED regions are at different stages of social and economic development which can promote social innovation.

The project aims to:

  • Increase the capacity of 4-helix actors of SVRCs ("clusters with high social vocation and responsiveness") to provide improved policy and support services improving growth and jobs.
  • Capitalizing and improving policies, services and methods to foster SVRCs’ competitiveness.
  • Developing an open MED platform with available resources on social innovation
  • Support the SVRCs in the process of consolidation of socially responsive economic activities through capacity building, knowledge transfer and co-creation of innovative solutions.
  • Upgrading a structural framework for SVRCs.
  • Improving competitiveness while having a positive impact on social cohesion and on the economy.
  • Foster a transnational SVRC network for the benefit of common solutions capable to promote scalability, transfer, mobility and policy improvement in the MED area.
  • Acting on transfer and capitalization of results, tools and methods.
  • Promoting SVRCs in key sectors, trade, mobility and transnational ventures



Veneto Region
Aix-Marseille University
Foundation for Partnership and Civil Society Development
Region of Istria
RCDI – Development and Innovation Network
Region of East Macedonia and Thrace (REMTH) Regional Development Fund
Treviso and Belluno Chamber of Commerce
Technological Institute of Aragon
Greek Free Open Source Software Society
Barcelona Activa SA SPM
Open University of Catalonia UOC
Foundation for Improvement of Employment Possibilities PRIZMA, an Institution
National Association of Italian Municipalities

Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Albania


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