Visit of Aix-Marseille University in Egypt - December 2019

Following the signature of the international cooperation agreement between the University of Alexandria and Aix-Marseille University in June 2019, Fabrice Métais, head of the plastic arts sector, was welcomed in December by the Faculty of Fine Arts of Alexandria. During his stay, he delivered a workshop on "Technology, Otherness, Experience" to Alexandrian students and presented his exhibition "Meanders of the face" at the Arts Center. The mission thus made it possible to concretize the new cooperation between the plastic arts sector of Aix-Marseille University and the Faculty of Fine Arts of Alexandria.

At the same time, Camille de Garidel-Thoron and Carole Becquet from AMU's International Relations Department explored new avenues of cooperation in Egypt thanks to the support of the Higher Education and Scientific Cooperation Department of the French Embassy in Egypt. A pedagogical partnership agreement with the Department of Contemporary Arabic Teaching (DEAC) will soon allow students from the AMU Department of Middle Eastern Studies to complete their training during an international mobility for a period of one month or one academic year. With the University of Alexandria, cooperation in Medicine and Foreign Languages is envisaged.

Meetings were also held with Mr Thierry Verdel, Rector of Senghor University, and his team, Mr Thierry Perret, Deputy Director of the French Institute of Alexandria, Mr the Vice-Consul of France in Alexandria, Rodolphe Gaffet, Mr Nabil El Sharif, Director of the Anna Lindh Foundation and members of the EU Delegation in Egypt.

The relations between the University of Alexandria and Aix-Marseille University have existed for almost twenty years. The University of Alexandria is a founding member of the Téthys Network supported by Aix-Marseille University and the Faculties of Medicine have in the past worked together in the framework of a Euro-Mediterranean "Health and Culture" programme.