About us

During the Barcelona Conference of 1995, 15 member countries of the European Union and 12 Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries laid the foundations of a renewed Euro-Mediterranean partnership. The Barcelona process bore a global approach, not only economic but also political, social and cultural, the strategic objective of this partnership was to ensure the peace, stability and prosperity of the regional Euro-Mediterranean area in the long-term.

It is in this context that the TETHYS Consortium of Euro-Mediterranean Universities was created on the 28th of January, 2000, by 22 universities in the Mediterranean area.

TETHYS is a network supported by Aix-Marseille University and currently includes more than 70 universities across 19 countries. It brings together the main universities of the Maghreb, Mashreq and Southern European countries.

This partnership enables actions to be carried out in a large network with the support of national and European programs.

All of this helps to promote an active international cooperation policy on a European level but also on a global level makes the university community perfectly noticeable in the Euro-Mediterranean Area.

TETHYS favors exchange and sharing in a convivial atmosphere that we must preserve for a sustainable future in the Mediterranean.


• Foster cultural and scientific exchange to enable a strong and lasting contribution to be made to the construction of the Euro-Mediterranean Area of ​​Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

• Encourage cooperation between Euro-Mediterranean countries through the sharing of knowledge, harmonization of knowledge and cultural exchange.

• Develop "win-win" partnerships between the North, South and East of the Mediterranean.

Presentation leaflet - Tethys Consortium of Euro-Mediterranean Universities